Intelligent Systems
In today’s data-driven world, companies are often faced with the challenge of effectively interpreting and managing complex data environments. While more and more companies are realizing the importance of leveraging data, the fundamental challenge revolves around how to create knowledge from that data and how to leverage that knowledge to improve performance, effectiveness and the quality of the outcomes.
The answer is intelligent systems. Intelligent systems have the ability to:
- Extract data from sparse and/or dense sources
- Process and reason over data in context to create knowledge
- Reason over that knowledge to provide understanding and recommendations
- Empower users to quickly act to achieve organizational objectives and avoid problems
The resulting intelligent solutions enable companies to make better informed, more effective, and efficient decisions.
Our Technology Approach
As a leader in intelligent decision support, we use a foundation of intelligent cognitive agents. By invoking a variety of artificial intelligence and operations research techniques, these agents produce highly automated, tailored, secure and scalable solutions. Learn more
Key Concepts
Creating robust, intelligent decision support systems requires an understanding of the artificial intelligence theory for which it is built upon. Our technology approach subscribes to key concepts related to artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, machine learning, and operations research. Learn more
How It Works
ActiveEdge® is a full featured development platform for distributed, decision support solutions. These solutions facilitate decision-making through the use of intelligent agents that process data, perform functional planning, reasoning, and analysis of specific situations or events. Learn more
View our library of white papers and articles on topics related to intelligent systems, predictive analytics, supervisory control, big data, and more. View now