Scenario 01:
Military Adaptive Planning & Execution Management
In this hypothetical scenario, we explore a military response to a crisis in a remote geographic area with a complex political and security environmental. CSI’s Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX) technology can enable planners and warfighters to quickly build high quality plans, manage the execution of those plans, and perform assessments. By leveraging the strengths of distributed software agents and cognitive computing, military organizations can dramatically improve performance through enhanced situational understanding and command and control.

In the wake of a tsunami, the island nation of Bruvaka in the South Pacific has been destabilized and local rebel factions have united to overthrow the democratically elected government. The US has recently signed a cooperation agreement with Bruvaka and has begun improvement of local infrastructure that will serve as a forward base for US military operations. In the interest of regional stability and protecting its forward basing strategy, the US Marine Corps 21st MEU has been tasked to deploy to the crisis area in order to render aid, support relief efforts, and help stabilize the region.

Distributed Collaborative Military Planning
While enroute to Bruvaka, the 21st MEU leverages CSI’s APEX technology to conduct its Rapid Response Planning Process (R2P2). Due to the APEX system’s robust ability to ingest, process, render, and analyze data, MEU planners are able to conduct rapid, yet thorough problem framing and collaborative course of action development/assessment/selection. The resulting plan reflects the complexity of the situation and clearly explains how the MEU will quell violence and support relief efforts. The APEX system, supports the MEU planners’ though intelligent automation and complex computations to provide accurate assessment of the resources required and facilitates the requisition of additional supplies. Because the APEX system captures continuous updates of relevant data, the plan “lives” through transition and will adapt, as required during mission execution.

Dynamic Replanning in Execution
During execution, the 21st MEU’s Living Plan serves as the basis of shared understanding, with data and events being processed in light of the plan to facilitate command and control, anticipate requirements and recognize threats to mission accomplishment. The APEX system’s complex event processing and agent-based reasoning capabilities process data and events, keeping MEU planners and commanders apprised of critical information requirements. Helping operators cut through the complexities of Bruvaka’s political, military, humanitarian and economic conditions, the system provides supporting information and recommendations to MEU leaders, allowing them to manage routine tasks ‘by exception’ and devote additional time to more difficult requirements. Responding as necessary to changing conditions, the APEX system facilitates the MEU’s dynamic replanning.

Benefits of CSI Technology
Using CSI’s innovative ActiveEdge® platform and Adaptive Planning and Execution capability, the 21st MEU was able to conduct effective and comprehensive planning under time-constrained circumstances. The APEX system’s unique combination of distributed software agent and cognitive computing technologies, helped the 21st MEU attain rapid and accurate situational understanding to improve planning and effect enhanced command and control during execution. The MEU used the system’s high fidelity resource management capability to anticipate requirements, allocate limited materiel, and request additional supplies. During execution, the MEU used the system to ingest and process complex sets of data and events, effectively directing forces, transportation, and resources to where they were needed most. Leveraging the Living Plan capability of APEX, the MEU adapted to changing conditions and dynamically replanned, as required. In addition to dramatically enhanced shared situational awareness and command and control, perhaps the greatest benefit the MEU experienced through using the APEX system was improved unity of effort. Given the system’s ability to support real-time collaboration between echelons and across staff entities, the collective focus of the MEU was consistently synchronized, from the squad to the headquarters. The APEX system would allow the MEU successfully assisted Bruvaka’s government in restoring services and the rule of law across the island.
CSI has extensive experience with applying Adaptive Planning in a military setting. Learn more